BREAKING NEWS: Naturist women have more chance to survive a cardiac-related medical emergency!

Whilst the title might be a little misleading, there is an element of truth behind it. The reason being; the taboo of removing a bra during defibrillation procedures.

That’s right, first aiders (male and female) need reminding that taking a bra off is not only ok but important when medically necessary but also addressing the topic of implied consent via a very worthy campaign “Bra Off, Defib On” with the tagline #getyourtitsoutforthepads by Jenny Legg. I’d recommend going through the site as there is a wealth of information on there but the most shocking stat to me was that women are 27% less likely to receive CPR compared to men because of procedures that might be construed as ‘inappropriate’.

There have been lawsuits raised, people being branded as perverts and all sorts because of how we view breasts and being exposed in public. Obviously as long as the person is behaving appropriately in the best interest of the patient this should never be the case. I saw comments on social media about “dignity going out the window in these circumstances”, making it sound like bare breasts or going bra-less is somehow undignified – I’m sure most reading this will have a view of that.

So whilst from a professional sense, Jenny is doing excellent work to raise awareness, is there more that we need to do as a society to correct many years of misleading via the media, advertising and trying to satisfy the “needs” of segments of the human population? What the body is and is not and how it is viewed based on the circumstances rather than a blanket view that certain parts are only sexual all of the time? This is why naturism is considered lawful in the UK with a focus more on someone’s behaviours than their state of dress/undress. Along with the fact that the simple act of breastfeeding in public comes under scrutiny from prudes and naysayers around the world, how do we undo such negativity about the human form?

As a community of naturists, many of us are trying to #normalisenaturism and #normalisenudity, showing others that whilst we are all different, we’re all the same too and generally speaking most people have or have had what most people have or have had.

So there you go, if you don’t mind your breasts being on display and/or you choose not to wear a bra in the first place, you have a higher chance of surviving a cardiac-related medical emergency!

Merchandise available now!

We are very excited to say that we have partnered with a couple of printing companies to bring you some NOE-branded merchandise for you to show off and act as a good conversation starter. All products include free shipping so the price you see is what you pay with no extra costs.

More ranges will be added over time and if you have any specific suggestions, feel free to get in touch at

For now, check out Merchandise to see what is currently on offer and remember, you’ll never pay for additional shipping with Nothing On Events.

Sandhurst Event Postponed

Unfortunately the event scheduled for 18th June at the Swan Inn in Sandhurst, Kent has had to be postponed.  The event will now be held on Saturday 1st October.

For those who have booked tickets, they will automatically be valid for the new date or a refund can be requested by emailing quoting your order number. 

We want to thank everybody for their continued support and additional campaigning on our behalf to make these events visible across the wide range of channels.

First Public Event – A Resounding Success

Public dining might not be new, but it is for Horsham and Pretty Things was the venue ‘brave’ enough to put their head above the parapet and offer to host the first public Nothing On event.

Rewind to 23rd April, a Saturday night right in the middle of Horsham town at 6.30pm and you’d have seen a gaggle of people gathering outside Pretty Things, eager to get in and get their kit off to enjoy an evening of social nudity.  A mix of naturist experience here; from the full-time naked person to the holiday sun worshipper.  It was time for the doors to open and the evening to get underway!


On arrival, prosecco was offered as a nice welcome drink before the guests filtered upstairs to where 22 boards were laid out laden with different meats, cheeses, fruits and nuts and crackers.  One unsuspecting highlight was the little jar of hot mango chutney.  It really did add to the cheese and was good enough for one of the attendees to sweep up any unopened jars to take home!


There seems to be a natural order of doing things at naked events and this was no exception;

  1. Get undressed where you are comfortable
  2. Claim your preferred seat with your essential towel
  3. Say hello and introduce yourself to others

Whether this is to get the most out of the opportunity, to even things up with the people already there so you don’t feel over-dressed or perhaps to maintain that ‘anonymity’ that being socially naked brings, I’d love comments on why you think this might be.

So, back to the event – in a postive way, it was uneventful which is actually what I hope most events are.  I’d never visit a restaurant whilst clothed and hope for drama.

The venue staff, whilst a little apprehensive to start with, settled in very quickly.  Collecting drinks orders and bringing the drinks up like there was nothing different about the evening.  Personally I’d recommend the ‘Premium Pink’ gin as pictured.  One even said at the end, “Actually, it was a really good evening and you are just ‘normal’ people”, which is exactly the kind of comment we’d like. 

The attendees all mixed and shared experiences, both personal and naturism related.  Some were brave enough to venture downstairs to order drinks at the bar or go outside for a nicotine fix whilst nude.


So thank you to Pretty Things, we’ll definitely be back.

Thank you to the 20 people who made it on the night and apologies to the 3 who couldn’t.  We hope to see you at another.

Speaking of which, the next events are listed below so get signed up;

Nothing On Events X Electro Coffee

Nothing On Events X Electro Coffee – A new partnership to improve your morning experience.

There isn’t much that beats waking up in the morning, padding into the kitchen naked and brewing the perfect coffee to start the day… This is where Electro Coffee will help.

A new micro-batch roaster based in Leicester, Chris has come up with the goods when it comes to specialty-grade coffee.  Offering standard, decaf and limited batch options that are freshly roasted and ground to your preference depending on how you make your coffee.

The exciting news is that for all of you with Nothing On, you can get a whopping 15% discount off coffee purchases when ordering via this page!

When you think of the perfect morning, think Nothing On Events X Electro Coffee.

How news spreads… and FAST!

10 weeks ago, Nothing On Events didn’t exist.

6 weeks ago, didn’t exist.

1 week ago, things went crazy

business newspaper NOE

When Nothing On Events was first a thing, a little Facebook page with plans to organise a few local events, I had an idea about the potential but didn’t really know to go about spreading the word.  Apart from posting on social media and hoping it stuck with enough people to like, share, comment etc, what could I do to help it along?

Thankfully on one of the posts looking for venues willing to host a naked event, I was contacted by Joanne from Town & County Magazine who wanted to write an article.  Nerve-wracking as it was to be interviewed over the phone, the very positive article was published in Issue 27 on page 66, including a cover-story highlight.  I’ll add that to a ‘Media’ section on the website I thought as it’ll be nice to keep a record of where Nothing On Events has been mentioned… so I did, along with the article from The Spectator that covered the Naked Secret Supper Club event that was held in October 2021.

Cheekily utilising an email address from the BBC Radio Sussex & Surrey post-event interview I did for that same supper club, 24 hours later I was on the radio again on 15th March 2022.  This time on my own, 10 minutes talking about my own new venture and views on naturism.  Consider that added to the media section too.

The word was definitely getting out and event sign-ups were picking up and more events were being added to the calendar, noteably one in Plymouth after being requested on social media that I delve into the South West.  Nothing On Events’ first expansion!  Many thanks to Plymouth Sun Club who trustingly included our details in a mass mailing the next day and now the event at 1620 Pub & Eatery is officially the first to sell out for Nothing On!

Then came national press coverage, courtesy of Daily Star!  The naturism-positive article was published online on 9th April 2022 and up to that point, had about 3000 views, averaging roughly 250 views a day.  Not that much attention had been paid to site stats before that but on 11th April we had a notification congratulating us that 5k views had been reached.  “Wow”, I thought, hastily taking a screenshot and sending it to a bunch of people I thought might care as well as posting on all the social media platforms.  A milestone indeed!

Today, on 15th April, we received our 10k views notification.  What?!?  How have the viewings doubled in just 4 days?  Well, the site stats and specifically the referrers, tell all…  Its not just Town & County, BBC Radio and Daily Star who have contributed to the rise, these articles and posts I didn’t even know existed…

Oh and Reddit has picked up the articles which are being discussed in /r/worldnews, /r/nudism and /r/naturism.


Inaugural Event for Nothing On Events

Naked dinner 2

Saturday 26th March 2022 saw the inaugural event for Nothing On Events at The Royal Oak, a small pub just outside of Guildford, Surrey.

The build up…

It’s been a couple of months in the making but the first event is always going to get the adrenaline going and because it was for British Naturism members who are used to attending naked events, there seemed to be a little more pressure to deliver.

The beginning…

“Where’s the loo?”, an attendee asked.  “The gents is outside but once you’re undressed then use the loo in here”, came the reply.  That person was the first to undress, even before I’d had a chance to introduce myself but it set the tone very nicely.  Others rolled in over the next 10-15 minutes and with 21 due to attend that evening all I could hope for is that everybody made it in good time.

Staff behind the bar were attentive as the pumps and back bar were perused for favourite tipples and ales were tasted before making choices before finding a spot amongst the standing or sitting groups to engage in conversation.  Some people knew each other from NATRAM or from other British Naturism events but there were a lot of introductions being made by people who were meeting for the first time.  This is what is so wonderful about naturism; the inclusivity, the willingness to interact and be sociable with the freedom that being naked brings because you don’t have anything to hide and you don’t have to hide anything either.

Just as bellies started to rumble, the first pizzas came out from the kitchen…

The middle…

Freshly rolled dough, freshly topped and freshly baked, these pizzas were fantastic!  Kudos to Natalie, the landlady, who was cooking them 6 at a time whilst preparing the next 6 until all 21 pizzas had made their way to the tables along with sharing-sized bowls of salad and thick-cut chips.  Dave, the landlord, poured glasses of wine to accompany the meal and the room was a good aural mix of conversation and cutlery and glasses tinging whilst everybody tucked in.  The food really was superb and comments were being echoed around the pub complimenting the quality on offer.

The end…

After the food was done, more drinks were ordered at the bar, conversations continued and hair was let down as everybody started to mingle more.  Natalie was relieved to be out of the kitchen and joined us for a drink whilst there might have been a few group photos behind the bar.  A couple of people tried their hand at naked darts.  I failed to risk-assess this as an activity but I am pleased to report it all ended without tears.  As 10pm crept up, the good-byes started for some of those with longer journeys back home but a majority continued to enjoy the saturday night freedoms afforded to us by this excellent establishment until it was time to close the till and leave Dave and Natalie with memories of their first, and most definitely not their last, naked event.

In terms of an inaugural event for Nothing On Events, we couldnt have asked for better.  Good drinking, great food, brilliant venue and fabulous company.

Thank you to everybody involved and here’s to the next one on the 23rd April, Food & Drink with Nothing On – Horsham