Saturday 26th March 2022 saw the inaugural event for Nothing On Events at The Royal Oak, a small pub just outside of Guildford, Surrey.
The build up…
It’s been a couple of months in the making but the first event is always going to get the adrenaline going and because it was for British Naturism members who are used to attending naked events, there seemed to be a little more pressure to deliver.
The beginning…
“Where’s the loo?”, an attendee asked. “The gents is outside but once you’re undressed then use the loo in here”, came the reply. That person was the first to undress, even before I’d had a chance to introduce myself but it set the tone very nicely. Others rolled in over the next 10-15 minutes and with 21 due to attend that evening all I could hope for is that everybody made it in good time.
Staff behind the bar were attentive as the pumps and back bar were perused for favourite tipples and ales were tasted before making choices before finding a spot amongst the standing or sitting groups to engage in conversation. Some people knew each other from NATRAM or from other British Naturism events but there were a lot of introductions being made by people who were meeting for the first time. This is what is so wonderful about naturism; the inclusivity, the willingness to interact and be sociable with the freedom that being naked brings because you don’t have anything to hide and you don’t have to hide anything either.
Just as bellies started to rumble, the first pizzas came out from the kitchen…
The middle…
Freshly rolled dough, freshly topped and freshly baked, these pizzas were fantastic! Kudos to Natalie, the landlady, who was cooking them 6 at a time whilst preparing the next 6 until all 21 pizzas had made their way to the tables along with sharing-sized bowls of salad and thick-cut chips. Dave, the landlord, poured glasses of wine to accompany the meal and the room was a good aural mix of conversation and cutlery and glasses tinging whilst everybody tucked in. The food really was superb and comments were being echoed around the pub complimenting the quality on offer.
The end…
After the food was done, more drinks were ordered at the bar, conversations continued and hair was let down as everybody started to mingle more. Natalie was relieved to be out of the kitchen and joined us for a drink whilst there might have been a few group photos behind the bar. A couple of people tried their hand at naked darts. I failed to risk-assess this as an activity but I am pleased to report it all ended without tears. As 10pm crept up, the good-byes started for some of those with longer journeys back home but a majority continued to enjoy the saturday night freedoms afforded to us by this excellent establishment until it was time to close the till and leave Dave and Natalie with memories of their first, and most definitely not their last, naked event.
In terms of an inaugural event for Nothing On Events, we couldnt have asked for better. Good drinking, great food, brilliant venue and fabulous company.
Thank you to everybody involved and here’s to the next one on the 23rd April, Food & Drink with Nothing On – Horsham
Great concept being a member of Tindo nudist club in South Australia i believe that this idea would be great for fellow members and those who are interested in the natural lifestyle