Who am I?

My name is Adam and I am a 42-year-old naturist who has always been comfortable being without clothes and I have been a member of British Naturism since 2015.

When I am home, you’ll typically find me in a state of undress.  I find it more comfortable, cheaper as clothes last longer and don’t require washing as often. It also removes the decisions around what to wear and any disappointment when things don’t fit as they should.

General naturism and nude experiences

My first public nude experience was back in 2012/2013 at a clothing optional campsite where I exercised that option literally from the minute I got out the car.  The freedom and the air on my skin just felt amazing.  Yes, when someone first came over to give me the lie of the land I had a pang of “what will they think?” and “will it be weird?” but when I popped my head around the corner and they were naked too, we were equal.  Yes, they might have been more tanned, slightly more wrinkly and bigger in some areas whilst smaller in others but we were equal.  We immediately had common ground and that made things feel very easy.

I try and go to other locations and events when I can.  From naturist beaches to health spas.  Restful afternoons at local gardens like High Beeches to completing a 5k walk at Painshill Park for British Heart Foundation.  You’ll typically find that if naturists have the opportunity to get out from their home and be nude, especially if the sun is out, they will.  Not only is it an opportunity to try different things, the social community is amazing.  Everybody can be a naturist as you don’t need money or specialist equipment or skills and its very inclusive which is exactly how it should be.

When The Bunyadi was opening in London, it was a real talking point.  The Bunyadi was a pop-up restaurant run by Lollipop to be open for 3 months, where you would dine in the nude.  In the run-up to its booking system going live, I think the waiting list was over 50,000 people.  Fifty thousand people who wanted to be part of that amazing experience and amazing it was

Why Nothing On Events?

Naked dining has proven popular in the past.  Apart from The Bunyadi,  Dine Naked Bristol was running for a couple of years pre-covid up until lockdown with an event nearly every month.  Dine Naked Oxford also had some success.  I made some enquires within Horsham, Guildford and Brighton in late 2019 but to no avail and then lockdown happened.  When everything started to ease in Summer 2021, I saw a post from Emma’s Sussex Kitchen advertising their Secret Supper Club and contacted them to see if they could help organise a Naked Secret Supper Club which is what happened in October 2021.  It got a lot of attention in the media, with a few articles mentioning it online and also BBC radio did pre- and post-event interviews which were really well received.  People opened up on the night about their reasons for going and some really made me feel proud of what had been organised and that the hard work was worth it.  The Naked Secret Supper Club was a lux/gourmet experience and one that not everybody can be part of, mainly because of the cost of running a bespoke dining event.  As I said above, naturism is about equality and inclusivity so I wanted to put on dining events that more people could afford and have the opportunity to experience the freedom of naturism in safe environments.  Originally I named it Dine Naked West Sussex but then after reaching out on social media for venues to host these events, I had interest from outside of the county so I thought about how to rename without the location.  Then I thought about other events and activities that could be organised that were not dining, like art classes or wellbeing sessions including yoga and pilates so that made the Dine Naked bit not relevant too.

So here we are, Nothing On Events.  The event company that aims to normalise naturism, to allow people to have new experiences in safe, non-sexual social nudity but also provide more opportunities for seasoned naturists to do what everybody else takes for granted, except doing it in the nude.

Events are better with Nothing On.